What I know now
While 3,700 students crossed the stage at TCU Place this past Spring to receive their degrees at convocation from June 4-7, every U of S graduate has their own unique story. Here’s a look at four of our newest alumni, as they prepare for their next chapter.

Zachary Person, 24, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, majoring in environmental science. This fall he will begin a master’s degree at the U of S in environment and sustainability, under the supervision of Colin Laroque.
Overall, how was your U of S experience?
My experience at the U of S was very educational, fulfilling and well rounded. I transferred from Lakeland College after receiving a Diploma, hoping to finish my degree and get into the work force. I ended up running into some great professors at the university that involved me in using some unique scientific tools to conduct research, mainly the Canadian Light Source. This research sparked the need to further my education past a bachelor’s degree.

Monika Bzdel, 27, graduated with a Master of Nursing - Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. Bzdel plans to work as a nurse practitioner (NP) in northern communities in Saskatchewan and currently works at the Lighthouse Supported Living Centre in Saskatoon as a NP.
What advice do you have for new students just starting university?
Prioritization and time management are very important skills to consolidate. Focus on your goals, and plan your days and study time accordingly. Also, have realistic expectations of yourself—do not get discouraged and always remind yourself why you have chosen to further your education and what your goals are.

Lorelei Ford, 39, graduated with a Master of Environment and Sustainability. After she graduated, she planned to work for the Water Security Agency. Ford is thankful to Dr. Lalita Bharadwaj and Dr. Cheryl Waldner for their support and mentorship. Ford said she “learned much from their strength, passion and perseverance”.
What’s something you learned at the U of S that didn’t come from a textbook?
I learned a lot about effective teamwork within a research team. My committee provided strong mentorship and good communication which kept me motivated and passionate.

Jaimie Peters, 38, graduated with a Master of Nursing this spring. After graduation, she planned to spend more time with her daughters and husband, and will continue to work with the Lung Association, Saskatchewan. In Peters’ spare time, she will continue to work on the research project from her final practicum and teach lab and clinical with the College of Nursing.
What did you learn about yourself during your time at the U of S?
I learned I am very good at time management and that sometimes you have to let certain things go. For me it was Netflix, laundry and housework! This would be my advice for new students as well—use your nursing skills and prioritize the important things in life.
Lucas Pust, 24, graduated in Geological Engineering with focus in Mining. While at school he worked was involved in the Student Alumni Relations Team (START), Geological Engineering Student Society (GESS), Society of Petroleum Engineering, and SaskInvent. Today his is working as a director with a non-profit group called MedHack(+) focused on developing businesses in the Biomedical field.
“What advice do you have for new students just starting university?”
It is about the people not the grades. Focus on creating a reputation of positivity and deepening a relationship with your classmates, professors, TA's, and the professionals in the community.