L to r: Martin Phillipson, Dean (College of Law), Peter Stoicheff, President and Vice-Chancellor (USask), Janice Dutchak, Student (College of Law), Erin Eccleston, Partner (MLT Aikins LLP), Joseph Naytowhow, Cultural Advisor (USask College of Law), Drew Lafond, Partner (MLT Aikins LLP) at the gift announcement on March 25, 2025. (Photos: Dave Stobbe)

MLT Aikins gift expands scholarships, supports Indigenous access to USask Law

A generous $500,000 donation from MLT Aikins to the University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) College of Law will ease financial barriers for students entering law and help to develop the next generation of legal professionals.

By Advancement Communications

A generous $500,000 donation from MLT Aikins to the University of Saskatchewan’s (USask) College of Law will ease financial barriers for students entering law and help to develop the next generation of legal professionals.

This donation to USask’s Be What the World Needs campaign will directly benefit students pursuing their legal education in the College of Law through scholarships that recognize academic excellence, leadership potential and a commitment to public service. The gift will also support access to education for Indigenous students and will be designated for Indigenous law entrance scholarships and awards.

“We are grateful to MLT Aikins for this generous investment in student success and Indigenous achievement in the College of Law,” said USask President and Vice-Chancellor Peter Stoicheff. “This gift reflects the strong and enduring collaboration that exists between MLT Aikins and our law school, and reinforces our university’s commitment to reconciliation and educating legal professionals the world needs.”

"We are proud to support the University of Saskatchewan College of Law and its students,” said Aaron Runge (JD'95), managing partner at MLT Aikins. “We have a long history with the USask College of Law, with one-third of our partners being graduates of the law school. By investing in the education of law students, we are not only helping them succeed, but we are also contributing to the continued growth and vitality of the legal community in Saskatchewan and Western Canada more broadly.”

While MLT Aikins has supported USask law students with entrance scholarships for decades, this new gift will establish a dedicated entrance award for an incoming Indigenous student to be awarded for the first time this fall.

“We’re committed to supporting the work of reconciliation, and this includes ensuring Indigenous people have equitable access to education. By reducing financial barriers, we are hoping that more Indigenous students can participate in the legal profession and business community more broadly, said Runge.

In recognition of this gift, the college will extend the naming of the MLT Aikins LLP Lecture Theatre for an additional 10 years.

In recognition of this gift, the college will extend the naming of the MLT Aikins LLP Lecture Theatre for an additional 10 years. Room 150 was first named in recognition of MacPherson, Leslie and Tyerman (MLT) LLP when the Saskatchewan Law Foundation Wing of the law building opened in 2008.

“For more than 40 years, MLT Aikins has been a valued and long-standing partner of the College of Law,” said Martin Phillipson, dean of the college. “The firm’s continued support will help ensure that our future legal professionals—including incoming Indigenous students—have the financial resources they need to excel in their studies and make meaningful contributions to the profession and their communities.”

Janice Dutchak, a second-year law student from Brandon, Man., received the MLT Aikins LLP Scholarship in Law in 2023 upon entering the college. She said the award made it possible for her to attend university and continue her passion for learning.

“The support MLT Aikins has provided me and other students over the years encourages us to put our full potential into our studies while seeking other opportunities such as experiential learning offerings,” said Dutchak. “But first and foremost, receiving this scholarship has inspired me to one day become a donor and help other students accomplish their dreams.”

Together, we will work towards Truth and Reconciliation. We invite you to join by supporting Indigenous achievement at USask.